The words, ideas and concepts that reside within this website are of a personal nature. They are created from a source of authentic experience and opinion. These are personal to the concept of WOWAGEING® as introduced in the book Once Upon A Time I Would Grow Old by Lara Jay Hequet, author of the book and founder of the WOWAGEING concept and Right To Write Publishing Ltd.
The words and the ideas within this website are mostly uninfluenced by research accomplished within a limited- sized room full of people. Instead, we believe that as human beings, we are beautifully complex, and much larger than what the mind alone can understand. As such, there is so much one will never really know. This is an acceptable truth by us.
Any posts, comments, courses, seminars, webinars, headlines and/or any conversation within this site is not meant to be taken as advice or to replace medical advice or any current belief you have concerning health or ageing. It is a personal idea to the concept of WOWAGEING, The Art of Living Older. Our roles within the website interchange as human beings, writers, entrepreneurs, creative souls, certified coaches, agents for positive change and more.
Instead, we invite any visitor, customer, subscriber, partner and fellow human being to come play within the concept and enjoy it in the realms of your mind, body and soul.
https://wowageing.com is owned and operated by Right To Write Publishing Ltd. It holds the rights to the original works and content within the site. If it contains, works of others, it will duly mention the source. Eventually, it may contain advertisements, sponsored content, paid insertions, affiliate links or other forms of monetization. Our ethical intention is to partner with like minded people who are with integrity in business as they are with the way they choose to live life.
https://wowageing.com abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. We intend to live and work with this integrity.
Right To Write Publishing Ltd. is never directly compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this website are purely those of the authors. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
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If you spot any mistakes within the website, we would love to hear from you. More importantly, remember to enjoy the authentic creative experience and inspirations the content within the site wants to offer to you.
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Right To Write Publishing Ltd.